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Whispers from above

They speak of words such as, “Earth”, “Mother”, “Sage” with you.
Every day, you find this space for reaching deep inside, not only inside your Self but also into Earth.
They encourage this practice you have of bringing things together.
Like seeing the beautiful skies above you and wrapping all Earth around you.
Your eyes SEE well into the hearts of those around you.

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Our Innate Nature

Whenever we are facing difficulties,
it is up to us to choose the way to react.
Within every action and reaction is the intention
of our thoughts and feelings the compass
on the outcome of every experience.
We are the mirror reflection of Life’s highest
expression of creation as a human being.

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I AM here

With an open heart and mind
Sensing the joyfulness within my being
The sense as well of being on the verge
Of something profound and life-changing
The feeling of curiosity and anticipation
All wrapped up in one

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What is it about disappointment?

You can see the vision of the high ground
And still, feel the emotions of disappointment.
It will be something to be dealt with as well
The feelings of love and compassion.
Each time in space you have been wounded
By neglect or just simply abandonment
You can reason and release the discomfort.
Yet the emotions over the past lives
That hasn’t been healed will be addressed
In your emotional body as well.

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The 10 Top Digital Marketing Strategies
  • Generate leads through your website using lead magnets.
  • Use Social Media Ads to transform fans and followers into clients.
  • Share value by running your own webinars and workshops.
  • Content and Email Marketing are key for Lead Generation.
  • and more...
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14 proven ways to earn a living while travelling
  • You live the life you want.
  • You work following your own schedule.
  • Every day of your life is a new adventure.
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