Commemoration of mourning and loss

Today is May 4th

in my country it is Remembrance Day

for the victims of the Second World War

to commemorate our liberation day.


A day with an extra black border

now everything is bogged down

in ruthless warfare

so many years later

which creates additional commotion.

Memories are retrieved

and rearranged pro rata.

How much can a person have

how resilient can we be

now so many victims are being made

raked up the memories with so much care and pain.

All those generations still recovering from the trauma

after the war came to an end here in 1945.

Triggered by all the images and news reports

the sadness and pain on all those faces

the feelings of powerlessness too, just check.

It’s even more palpable today here in this small country,

where the after-effects can still be felt.

So many people who spontaneously lend a helping hand

offer to be willing to bear the pain again

to mitigate as much as possible.

war and trauma go hand in hand.

even though peace will come in due course.

the after-effects will follow for sure.

For everyone who has been involved

with warfare and for that went out

provide peacekeeping missions and support

in all war zones.

How can we best support each other?

offer each other an open hand and heart

to lean against each other

for some warmth and understanding in all areas.

We need each other to heal

to face everything.

Let’s face it,

you can forbid so much,

if we don’t want to go for it together

that will have an impact on our existence.

It will have its own fallout for everyone.

What it does to you and how you can process this.

Only from there can you restore the balance

in your own emotions and feelings as far as you can.

We are all connected

even though it may not feel that way right now.

by love and compassion we are bound

in our unity against all violence.

We have already shown as a nation how to demonstrate this

even though not everyone will show it that way

and there are still lessons to learn

that only if we go for it together

We never get over great losses;

we absorb them, and through processing change

we as human beings in different,

often friendlier people, as humanity.

If we think about it,

may we take comfort in this,

while the future may feel uncertain,

what will always be sure and essential is our love.

The love I have for myself.

The love I have for my family and friends.

The love I have for you

even though I may not know you personally.

It’s essential. Yes.

Love is the only essential ingredient

which our world cannot do without.

Not now, not anymore.


And so it will be.

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Rhea Dopmeijer

Heartfelt Messages
High Self @RheaDopmeijer ©

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