Dr. Richard Bandler (co-creator of NLP)
I highly recommend George Cunningham. He is continually updating his training with the most up-to-date skills I have developed and is one of those licensed internationally through the Society of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (TM).
Mr. John Laing – Wirral (NLP Practitioner)
I have just completed my NLP Licensed Practitioner course with NLP Liverpool.
At the start of the course I wrote down three goals:
* To develop myself
* To use my increased knowledge and ability to help other people to overcome their limitations and help them reach the next level in their development.
* To develop a new career.
Under the expert guidance and teaching of George Cunningham, I have exceeded my first goal by 100% and feel both excited and confident about fulfilling the other two.
George has a style and elegance that makes learning both joyful and fun.
He is meticulous, thorough, patient, personable and kind.
I thoroughly recommend anyone who is thinking of training in NLP to
Contact NLP Liverpool and experience the Cunningham factor!
You won’t regret it.
Thanks a lot George.
John Laing
Mr. Paul C. – Shropshire (NLP Practitioner)
This is just a quick email to say thank you very much for the practitioner training. It really opened my eyes to a number of things and trance-formed me from a pretty miserable human being to someone who has rediscovered resources which he had forgotten even existed. Anyway, thank you again.
Best wishes,
Paul C – Shropshire
Rosemary S. – Shropshire (NLP Practitioner)
Hi George and Julie,
Thank you SO much for all your time, energy, wisdom and hospitality over the last couple of weeks.
I feel the whole experience was very helpful personally and professionally.
Rosemary S. Shropshire
Cathy B. – Health & Safety Executive – Liverpool.
George and Julie
Thanks for a brilliant two days – I really enjoyed the course.
Thanks again and hope to work with you both again soon!
Cathy B
Miss Roz L. – Liverpool
“I had an irrational fear of presentations and public speaking even though I had never done it before. On a scale of 1 -10 for fear factor, it was definitely a 10! After meeting with George, I realised where the fear may have come from. We identified a poignant bad experience, and George helped me turn it into an acceptable experience, almost humorous now when I think back to the memory. He helped me get back confidence in myself that I had lost. He helped me remember my talents and how to keep these feelings of achievement and happiness to call upon them in tough times. Before my opportunity of public speaking, I would say my fear factor dropped to 6. After I did the event, I would now say I have a fear factor of 3-4! Fantastic! Thank you so much for all your help. I need to do the advanced course now! There is no stopping me!“ Roz
Mrs Jan R. – Liverpool (Driving Phobia)
Hi George
Just thought I would send you a short note to let you know that I have had two refresher lessons now and although I wouldn’t say that I love it, I can certainly get through it and I’m thinking of buying a lovely little Renault Clio that I’ve seen!
The other really strange thing that has happened is that I was terrified of walking through a field of cows before I had the NLP, after having it I was waltzing through like I’d never been scared at all, shooing them off and talking to them ( still wouldn’t go where there’s a bull tho’). My partner is amazed!
I’ll keep you posted as to the driving tho’ as I’m having motorway lessons in a few weeks time (my instructor insists)!
Jan R.
Mr. Tel B. – Liverpool (Interview Preparation)
I can honestly say that George helped me get my last job.
I had been to a number of interviews in the past and through a mixture of lack of confidence and panic, when I didn’t answer the question to the best of my abilities, I failed to secure the position for myself.
I went to see George in the hope that he could help to build my confidence for my next interview (a job I really wanted). I was a bit cynical about the hypnotherapy but was willing to try. I had heard of his skill regarding helping people successfully lose weight. However I didn’t want to look thin for the interview I wanted to get my dream job! What I actually found was that George’s skills and techniques cover many areas, different relaxation techniques, confidence training, listening techniques, interview preparation and practice. I left my first session with a lot of work to do myself but feeling a lot more confident. Being the person that I am I had managed to work myself into such a state in the days prior to the interview that I was ready to not to bother. However I called George again and by the end of our second session, I was feeling ready, calm, confident and sure the job could be mine.
The interview was the most enjoyable I have had. No panics, even though I could not fully answer some questions I now had the techniques to answer then confidently, to move the interview on and also to calm myself down, ready for the next question.
Thanks George you have helped me on my way to changing my life.
Dave D. – Merseyside (Blushing and Interview Preparation)
The interview went quite well, no blushing and no inclination to either.
Answered all the questions and was generally pleased with the way it went.
Got off to a shaky start mind, too much adrenalin pumping, but covertly applied the finger thumb technique and relaxed into things. After that I was able to focus, I was in there for an hour which is about right so I’m told.
They will let me know within two weeks if I’ve been successful, but to be honest I’m just really pleased that I could go in there and not make an arse of myself.
Thanks for your help it made a big difference to my approach I’d definitely recommend you.
Ria Kool – Merseyside (Insomnia)
Hi George
happy to say that there has been an improvement in my sleeping patterns. Have been waking up but used the techniques you suggested and have been falling back asleep despite initial anxiousness. Last night practically slept through. Still have worry about return of dreaded insomnia, however, being positive and trying to build on anchor as you advised. Will keep you posted.
Ria Kool
Cath Williams – Manchester (Insomnia)
“I live on a busy A-road and the traffic noise carries on throughout the night. I needed ear plugs and soothing music playing in order to have a chance of getting to sleep and still struggled. I also felt tense during the day because I was so aware of the continuous noise. After one session with George I was able to sleep straight through without needing the music, let alone the ear plugs. George’s help has made a massive difference to the quality of my life!”
Nicola Jane Knox – Netherlands (Confidence, Relaxation, Performance)
Approximately 5 months ago, I contacted George by phone in the hope that he could help me find some confidence. As a professional opera singer, confidence is essential for me to perform at my best, but as I had done little solo work for a couple of years and have never been the most naturally confident person, nagging doubts appeared as I approached a couple of high profile solo concerts. I had got the work through successful audition, but my confidence was beginning to fail me in the rehearsals running up to the concert, and I was not singing as well as I knew I could. A few days before the first performance, I had a session with George (over the phone!), and learned, in the period of less than an hour, several different techniques to overcome my nerves and build my confidence, including visualisation and confidence and relaxation techniques. I was able to try these out the following afternoon in the final rehearsal, which went better than all my expectations, and I thoroughly enjoyed. I was able to also use the techniques efficiently (and discreetly!) during the concerts, despite having to sit in front of the audience on the concert platform for almost a full hour before I got to sing, and was immediately able to ‘switch on’ the techniques to allow me to perform at my best and with confidence. George’s ability to communicate these techniques allowed me to deal and eliminate my self-doubt and do my job well, and I will continue to use these techniques and consult George to help me continue to be a more confident performer.
I have also since had a face-to-face consultation with George – this time for pain relief and preparation for childbirth, and am also using these techniques to great benefit.
Thank you, George!
Diane S. (Liverpool) – Performance Nerves
Hi there
Just thought I’d pop you a quick note to say that the concert last Sunday was a success! Thanks for all of your help. The nerves did not come back – well may be just a little tiny bit but that is all it was, just a little bit!
It was a great experience and can’t wait to do it again
Thanks once again George.
I’d definitely recommend your services to anyone I feel would benefit!
Take care
Diane S. (Liverpool)
Mr. Nick M. – Hampshire
About a year and a half ago I had a job which I hated, I received no appreciation and I had nothing to expect from it. I tried to follow various alternative careers, but I was not successful at even getting a first assignment into any of them. And with every failure I’d lower my ambitions further, to only fail again. Eventually I ran out of ideas and it felt like I’d retire from what I called “the shittiest of all jobs” (and I was only 38). It was then that I was introduced to George.
George was able to come up with fresh ideas, which I hadn’t thought of.
But more important than that, he restored my faith in myself; he made me realise that being rejected as “overqualified” is actually a good thing; that I should set my goals at the level dictated by my skill, and not at the one dictated by my present situation; that if an employer doesn’t want me it’s because that position isn’t good enough for me… Soon I started generating ideas myself, and I was finally getting interviews. George was always there, keeping me focused on my long term objectives and preventing me from slipping into the dangerous “I want to get out of this job no matter what” mentality. George helped me make the right decisions at crucial points, and I eventually managed to start a career as a housing market economist, which I enjoy and the long term prospects are very good.
And having shorted this out I was able to move the focus from career to life, where George’s help is again proving invaluable.
I would recommend George to everyone, for his ability to motivate and to inspire self-belief, his vast amount of resources and his genuine care for the outcome. George’s support is not limited to the scheduled hour every week; George would give me an “extra” call before an interview and chat me into the right mood to succeed, for as long as it would take.
Thank you George!
Alex M. (aged 10) – Dyslexia
The above note of thanks was received from a young client, two days after we worked on a strategy for dyslexia. After our session, at which Alex learned to spell ciprofloxacin, amongst other words, both backwards and (more importantly) forwards, Alex decided he wanted to write to express his thanks.
He used the strategy we installed to learn the spelling of many of the words used above immediately after our session, then two days later, he used these words (and the strategy) to compose the note above.
I am very grateful to Alex for his wonderful note – George