Clear Vison – Life at Large

Clarity brings in more knowledge
And not just in your thoughts.
Your Heart and Soul are involved
In the processing of experiences
To be brought into your awareness
And creating new perspectives.


You are the willing participant
In the game of life,
To receive the wisdom and vision
Bringing forth the greatest gift of all.
You as a Divine Spark of Love
Able to cherish yourself
And by doing so, you cherish others as well.
It all comes down to accept
Your feelings and emotions.
Listen to the inner and outer reactions
So you become aware of the ling,
That is connected with your Soul
Which creates your life experiences.
Just one goal, just one purpose
To bring you Home to your Self.
Reuniting all your aspects and parts
That has been hurt and need to be cherished,
Loved and healed.
Every experience will bring you closer
Every piece of you sees unfolding
With clarity and love is within
The Healing Essence of Love.
The Divine Force to become all that you are,
The newborn Earth Angel.
And so it is.

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Rhea Dopmeijer

Heartfelt Messages
High Self @RheaDopmeijer ©

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